Monday, March 19, 2012

7 weeks today

Are you team Peeta or team Gail? This is what one of my least favorite, cocky students asks me today. It's not that I dislike him. I actually think he's a pretty funny person. It's that his negative attitude towards school and the whole why do we even have to do this anyway attitude is rubbing off on a lot of good kids resulting in poorer grades for them. Ug. Anyway, to answer his question... I'm not sure! If you've read the Hunger Games series, you may have an opinion on this and understand that I use to be team Gale all the way. But now, now I see Peeta as such a genuinely good person, moral, upright and willing to give his life for the woman he loves. Gale? I don't think he would. I don't think he loves her that way. This weekend I spent my time on the couch reading and got through the first 2 1/2 books. I have no idea what the ending of the series will be like. I would be interested to know if you are dating or married, did you marry a Peeta or a Gale? A lover and protector, or someone to be on an adventure with and partners with? I married a Peeta I think. :)

Anyway, other than all the reading as the nausea has me really confined to the couch, we also told our parents about the new little peanut. We asked them not to get too excited because we haven't had the ultrasound yet but we needed them to know. The nausea has started to get bad as of today. Not so much nausea as the feeling of wanting to throw up and food aversions. Yesterday was the first time to throw up in the morning. Today I didn't think I would so I took my meds and threw them up on my way out the door:( Then I dry heaved when I got to school. After walking around with my bucket for half a day and a baggie of fruit loops, I felt a little better by lunch. Enough to eat a lunchable. (I know, not that healthy, but one of the few foods I can stomach right now) I even drank about 3 cups of water today. I am trying! It's already better then last time... so far. I also inadvertently told another coworker because I felt like such an heel for putting more work off on her, but I hope she keeps her end secret for a little while longer.


  1. I'm on the second book now-love them!! How are you doing? I've been thinking of/praying for you!!!

  2. We are hanging in there! Wish you lived closer so we could let the hubbies watch the kids and go to the movie!
