Thursday, February 23, 2012


Something I keep reminding my husband is that if I do not get 8 hours of sleep in a night I become a crab. I might be able to make it a day or 2 without said transformation, but today I was a crab. I have also weaned myself off my PPD meds in the last 3 weeks(and caffeine) . So, today I was not only a crab, but a very impatient crab. Not a great combination when you teach 14 year olds. It made me wonder again why did I go off the meds? Originally they were prescribed for the PPD after my nightmare of a pregnancy combined with a milk shortage despite my very best efforts while we camped out in the NICU when LO was born. One of the side affects of HG is preterm delivery, so true to form we were almost 6 weeks early and half  of a lung short. Cue PPD. When you begin to lament those last 10 lbs you just can't seem to shed after you deliver I want you to look at the silver lining: at least you didn't gain 40 lbs in the 2 months AFTER you delivered. Blah, that's another post for another time.

I don't have to go into a lot of detail about today but I mention the sleep part for a reason. After this good wife (I get a gold start today) came home from 10 hours of working/driving today she then decided to make a 4 course meal for her neglected husband and child. I decided on hamburgers and scalloped potatoes with vegetables on the side and for good measure I decided to also cook a kielbasa while I had the grill going. DH got home with LO right on cue, a rarity, and we got to have a nice dinner with all three of us. My beautiful son is not "advanced". Even though I know all of those descriptors mean nothing as a toddler, sometimes it's frustrating seeing all of your toddler's friends talk, dance, wave, count, swim etc and the only thing we do well is eat. And can he eat! Tonight as an example he put away an entire hamburger patty, half a slice of bread, 2 tablespoons rice, 2 tablespoons Indian spiced chick peas, handfuls of peas and carrots and about 6 inches of a kielbasa plus a juice box. I eventually had to hide the kielbasa because I figured he would regret it if he kept eating it. When dinner was over. I passed out. I passed out so hard that I kept having a nagging worry in the back of my head "why am  so tired?" "I'm SO tired!" and this prompted me to take a pregnancy test. It was negative, of course I am tired because I AM JUST TIRED!

Why am I awake still you might ask? Well, a teacher's job is never done. I have homework.

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